My classroom has three life rules to remember. 1. You are kind, you are smart, and you are important. This is a quote from the movie, The Help (2011). I have changed the quote to be grammatically correct. Many of my students very low self-esteem. The studies indicate Alaska Natives and American Indians have suicide rates 3 times the national rate of all races combined. (Herne, 2014) My students know that I am someone they can talk to if they need to about suicide. The district requires all staff members to attend suicide trainings every year. 2. Respect each other. I have never had issues with this at my current location because most of my students are related to each other. 3. Believe in yourself. As a teacher, we can only do so much. After students leave this building they have to be responsible for themselves. This will not happen if they do not believe in themselves. My worldview affects my students differently for many of my colleagues. This is only my third year teaching. I understand that I as a young teacher do not know all there is to teaching. I hope to continue to learn about different strategies for all aspects of teaching the longer I am in this field. We will never know everything but we can educate ourselves to better understand methods in education. “Authorities’ behaviors tell people about their own value as members of the group, on the basis of three main elements: 1) trustworthiness and benevolence of authorities’ actions and intentions (benevolence); 2) dignity and authorities’ respect for all members (status recognition); 3) neutrality and consistency of an authority’s action (neutrality).”(Newley, 2011) In order to create a positive learning environment, I must show each student equal value. Adults often respond to students who frequently demonstrate difficult behaviors with more negativity. (Scott, Anderson, & Alter, 2012) It is very easy to get caught up with the misbehaviors that we forget these are just kids. Everyone’s culture should be valued. In my current position I am an outsider. The village that I work in has a population around 639 people. 97.7% of the population is Alaskan Natives. (American, 2010) I understand there are parts of the Alaskan Native culture that are not understood by people who are not a part of it. Furthermore, I understand I can develop behaviors to improve my students’ feeling of comfort with me. There are many similarities and differences between my own culture and the culture of the students I teach. …show more content…
From research it is best practice to use a system that is systematic and explicit. (Scott, Anderson, & Alter, 2012) As noted earlier I understand there are differences between my culture and culture of my community. Therefore, culture is best to be examined at with an opened mind. Every person has a different view of the world. My worldview may differ greatly from my peers because I am very young to the profession. The best system that I have seen work to help explicitly and systematically teach classroom expected behaviors is the CHAMPS system. (Sprick, 2010) Classroom management is an area that will continue to change and grow with my teaching