There are known numerical values that are not subject to fractional error, and therefore do not affect the number of significant figures in a calculation. These are called “exact numbers.” Some examples include: 1 foot = 12 inches, 100 years in a century, 2.54 cm in an inch. Therefore, if a number is considered exact, it does not affect the accuracy of a calculation. When taking significant figures into account for a problem, exact numbers will not affect them either.
When performing a measurement on a digital instrument, read and record all of the numbers as displayed, including zeros after the decimal point. But on a scaled instrument, estimate one more figure than you can actually read from the scale. This accounts for the inaccuracies and errors that occur naturally.
Accuracy is “a measure of the deviation of the measured value from the true or accepted value.” Precision is “a measure of the agreement of experimental measurements with each other.” Significant figures relate to precision rather than accuracy. The more precisely a measurement is performed, the more significant digits one can have. If given a measured value, assume that the number of digits given reflect the precision of the measurement. When given a value, the answer cannot be more precise than the data that is