Your role in the focus learner’s instructional program (e.g., teach all academic subjects plus support a behavioral plan; pull out of general education classroom for supplementary instruction in reading; part of an instructional team; coordinate services to the family and model working with the focus learner)
[This is my first semester teaching the focus learner, in addition to being my first semester teaching in a …show more content…
List any type of augmentative or alternative communication used by the learner (e.g., communication boards, signing, AlphaSmart keyboard, optical-character-recognition devices, speech generation technology).
[Although several of the students in our MID/MOID classes at the high school use some type of assistive technology to help with augmentative or alternative communication, the focus learner does not require support with communication. He is able to communicate quite effectively with his peer and teachers alike without the need for the above mentioned types of augmentative or alternative communication devices.]
7. Describe any behavior management plans relevant to the focus learner.
[Although the focus learner do occasionally display inappropriate behaviors, at this time, the infrequency and the unpredictability of these outbursts, displays of volatile mood swings, does not deem it possible for him to identify the trigger(s) of such behaviors. As a result, the focus learner does not currently have a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).