The simple answer, a lot of student loans. Until states start to increase public school funding, student will either have to pay the tuitions out of pocket or get student loans and accumulate crippling debt that we may not be able to pay. “ Between 2000 and 2013, the average level of tuition and fees at a four-year public college rose by 87 percent (in 2014 dollars); during that same period, the median income for the middle fifth of American households advanced just 24 percent” (Schoen). This means that majority of students attending college will be forced to amass student debt and put of getting married, buying houses, and raising children decades after
The simple answer, a lot of student loans. Until states start to increase public school funding, student will either have to pay the tuitions out of pocket or get student loans and accumulate crippling debt that we may not be able to pay. “ Between 2000 and 2013, the average level of tuition and fees at a four-year public college rose by 87 percent (in 2014 dollars); during that same period, the median income for the middle fifth of American households advanced just 24 percent” (Schoen). This means that majority of students attending college will be forced to amass student debt and put of getting married, buying houses, and raising children decades after