However, with genetic testing, the results come back with the probability of the patient having a certain disease later in life or if they will end up passing it down to their offspring. According to What do the results of genetic tests mean? - Genetics Home Reference, an article by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, “the results of genetic tests are not always straightforward, which often makes them challenging to interpret and explain.” Results include numbers that correspond to chromosomes or a percentage of the probability of obtaining a specific disease. The intake that comes from genetic testing is difficult on patients, but genetic counselors are there to aid them. They provide patients with information about the results and advise them about possible choices to …show more content…
They choose not to have a genetic counselor present during their test because of the cost or because they do not want their information to get out. Whatever the reason is, a genetic counselor should always remain present during a genetic test to counsel patients with what the next steps should be. Like with Huntington’s disease. When someone finds out they have HD, they have choices to make whether it is to proceed treatment with a physical therapist or to do nothing at all, but genetic counselors are helpful to advice the patient on what they need. The main purpose for genetic counselors is to aid the patient. This means that they translate the information into a way that is beneficial to the patient and they provide different paths the patient can take after receiving their results. Genetic counselors should be present during a genetic test to assist the patient with the