The Importance Of Fine Arts In Education

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Pablo Picasso once said that "Painting is just another way of keeping a diary." I find this to be accurate when it comes to considering the arts and the importance of it within our lives. Speaking of fine arts, what is it? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the words, ‘Fine-Arts’ as: “a type of art (such as a painting, sculpture, or music) that is done to create beautiful things.” We see and appreciate Fine Arts in just about every part of our day-to-day lives, whether it be in watching television to viewing the advertisement billboard on the side of the road. Fine Arts covers many ideas, opinions and creative avenues with a variety of content. I believe if we use the arts to their potential, then we will have a new outlook and a new perspective on the world we live in. I also believe that Fine Arts are important to us especially in the education world where it enhances our lives. Once we have discovered how to view the arts, it is then that we will have found a fond appreciation of our talents. We are capable of expressing ourselves from the inside-out through the use of Fine Arts. Beautiful masterpieces of art you may see in an art gallery or perhaps on television, a magazine or somewhere else, personally are conceived and developed within the human intellect. Guido Molinari, a Canadian painter once said, “In a way, the blank canvas…represents the infinity of trying to use color to express emotions ¬-- to assign a linguistic function to color." In the same way, in trying to form an artistic expression of their inner self, they are able to express what they are feeling, what they are thinking, and etc. An individual is also able to get to know himself better through the piece of art he may be working on. Through art therapy, one is able to convey the intensification through a diversity of fine arts, whether that be dance, painting, music, drawing, etc. The fine arts are significant to the aspect of education for a variety of reasons. …show more content…
When students participate in a fine arts activity or program, whether it be music, dance, or art, it is a proven fact that children who participate in a wide range of fine arts will do better in school (Henry). Throughout many years of research, researchers have performed numerous studies in the Fine Arts environment and its involvement in the educational system in America. The results from these conducted studies, time after time have come to find that in just about all the things Americans have said they want in the education system (such as excelling scores on standardized test, students motivated to succeed, etc.) are able to find primarily in fine arts. In a 2002 report published by the Arts Education Partnership, the results that came once the report was completed was astonishing. A research conducted in 62 studies on different art categories proposed that expressions through the training and enabling students who are involved in the arts may particular be useful to the poor understudies and those needing corrective coaching. Last but not least, the appreciation the audience provides to the artist is another reason Fine Arts is important. Hour after hour, day after day, or even month after month, the artist pour everything they have inside themselves to create the perfect masterpiece. When the audience appreciates the hard work the artist has given, the audience perhaps gets into

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