The Importance Of Educational Goals And Career Goals

Superior Essays
People have different reasons for continuing their education. My primary reason for continuing my education is I want to learn new things and keep abreast to changes. Another big concern of mine is that new ideas and solutions to problems are discovered every day through technology. Being that I am closing in on 50 in a couple years, the things I have learned have become out dated. So in order to be successful at anything people have to stay abreast of the things going on around them. Before I returned to school I felt like I was not keeping up with the things that were changing around me in the work place and academia.
Educational Goals and Career Goals

Setting goals are the most important thing that a person can do. I really feel like without a road map or GPS a person cannot reach a destination. Educational goals and Career goals are the same way. The GPS in educational goals are the syllabus and the course curriculum. Me as a student must navigate my way thru the classes to achieve academic success by passing the classes in a satisfactory manner. Career goals are the same way as an employee I must
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The ELI summed me up perfectly by stating that I used sensibility in my decision making and equality. Those are the virtues that most military people have. The reason that I chose to get an education is a direct correlation from my Ethical Lens Inventory. All my life I always heard that education will get you a better high paying job. So the sensibility in getting an education to me was to get an education to have a better life. The military really made it a reality. The whole officer and enlisted thing made it all real to me. Basically the officers are in charge of the enlisted and get better pay and benefits. The officers have to have a bachelor’s degree and there pay scale is a lot higher than the enlisted personnel. The enlisted personnel do all the grunt work and the officer reaps all the

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