How To Judge Others In To Kill A Mockingbird

Superior Essays
The rationality of a choice is based off of an individual 's capacity to perceive ideas in a different light than their own. Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mockingbird, follows the memorable childhood of young Scout Finch, who learns the ways of life in the sleepy town of Maycomb, Alabama. However, as a crisis of racial inequality tears the small town apart, Scout and Jem are forced to consider their father’s instructions on properly viewing others. As the ideologies of the townspeople present themselves throughout the novel, Lee conveys the tendency to unreasonably judge others, the inconsideration of others’ perspectives and therefore, the inability for many to see the true traits of others. By strategically forging the events in the novel, Lee …show more content…
By introducing the element of racial prejudice, Lee illustrates the proclivity of the white class to judge and stereotype others based on skin colour alone. After Tom Robinson’s unjustified murder, Scout mentions that “to Maycomb, Tom’s death [is] typical...of a nigger” (Lee 322). By using the word ‘typical’, Lee displays society’s poor social expectations for the black race. Scout also adds that when tensions rise, the “nigger always comes out in ‘em”, insinuating the white people’s judged view of the bestial nature of black individuals (322). In addition to racial prejudice, the town’s sexist actions towards feminine figures showcases the habitualness of rash judgements. Following Atticus’ discovery of Jem’s game, ‘Boo Radley’, Jem judges Scout for not siding with him. Infuriated with her, “Jem [tells Scout that she is] being a girl, [and that because] girls always [imagine] things, [everyone] [hates] them” (54). He adds that if Scout continues to “[behave] like [a girl], [she] could just go off and find [someone else] to play with” (54). By associating traditional sexist views with Scout’s character, Jem irrationally judges Scout, suggesting that all girls will be burdensome Jem’s game. Lastly, Lee exhibits the town’s aptness to make insensible assumptions through the judging of hereditary features and family history. Despite Scout’s interest in …show more content…
Described as a “malevolent phantom”, the town creates a monstrous identity for Boo Radley, and is unable to see his positive traits (10). During Ms. Maudie’s house fire, when Scout learns about how “[Boo Radley] put the blanket around [her]”, she immediately becomes frightened and is oblivious to his good deed (96). Due to her fearful judgement of Boo Radley, Scout is unable to see through the barrier of her ideologies making her incapable of appreciating Boo Radley 's caring qualities. Ms. Dubose is also another misunderstood character who is described as being horrible. When asked about his impressions of Ms. Dubose, all Jem could say is that she is “nasty [since] she has fits...[and] spits a lot”, unaware of her true personality (143). As a result of being constantly distracted by his disgusted judgements of her, Jem is unable to distinguish Ms. Dubose’s admirable attribute of moral courage from her appearance. In addition, another example of a character who is misinterpreted due to judgement is Dolphus Raymond. When asked about why he associates with the black race, Raymond mentions how he is aware of “the hell white people give colored folk, without even stopping to think that they’re people too” (269). By solely judging his behaviour and appearance, the white people believe that “[Raymond is] in

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