He further said that as health professionals, we had to think about how our beliefs would affect what we did as others had diverse conviction. Most importantly, (Napier et al., 2014) clearly stated that one’s culture was relatively and comparatively hard to understand, so as to objectively criticise the subjective nature of their work. Even more, that nurses found it difficult to acknowledge the cultural importance and to be recognised within cultural immersion. Also, Harding (2013) postulated that the safety of a culture put nurses in clashing moral circumstances while caring for patients as well as respecting and valuing their own cultural values. (Morís de la Tassa et al. 2013) pointed out that, comprehensive and collaborative patients that got involved in their own care were not only able to learn ways of dealing with health care risks but also, to share their own experiences and understanding. In the end, this improved the safety of patients, especially those in Spain. It helped nurses as well in
He further said that as health professionals, we had to think about how our beliefs would affect what we did as others had diverse conviction. Most importantly, (Napier et al., 2014) clearly stated that one’s culture was relatively and comparatively hard to understand, so as to objectively criticise the subjective nature of their work. Even more, that nurses found it difficult to acknowledge the cultural importance and to be recognised within cultural immersion. Also, Harding (2013) postulated that the safety of a culture put nurses in clashing moral circumstances while caring for patients as well as respecting and valuing their own cultural values. (Morís de la Tassa et al. 2013) pointed out that, comprehensive and collaborative patients that got involved in their own care were not only able to learn ways of dealing with health care risks but also, to share their own experiences and understanding. In the end, this improved the safety of patients, especially those in Spain. It helped nurses as well in