It mainly focuses on the victim and provided by jurisdictions. Moreover, nowadays, the massive volumes of the annually published statistics are able to search on the internet (Robert, 2009). Each country has their own databases. In the case of Britain, Crime in England and Wales which elicit both "police-recorded crime data" and "The British Crime Survey (BCS) data" to supply a broad description of the main features of crime trends. It contains the data since 2005 until today and all of them are made available online. Then, the data before 2005 is capable of finding in "the older Criminal Statistics format". It principally included information on court judgment and outstand criminal act by the police (Tim, 2013). On the other hand, Robert (2009) also argued that those data will never reach to flawless. The main reason is the "dark numbers of crime", the crimes that are unreported to or recognized by the police. In the other words, it generally described as the unknown crime. The causes of this …show more content…
Generally, people can watch crime events on news every day. Most of them are not only reporting the crimes occurred in the own country but also broadcasting other countries major crime events. Additionally, there is uncountable crime drama updating all the time for audiences. This leads mass media to earn an essential role on understanding crimes. One research (Dowler, 2003) represents that mass media provides the huge effect on the public view of offenders, victims, and the criminal justice system. It is already becoming assignable sources to appreciate a primarily cause and important instrumental in criminal and deviant behavior. In contrast, Dowler claimed that mass media over exaggerate and concentrate on the violent or dangerous crimes simultaneously, such as murder, sexual assault, and arson. The aim of mass media seems to increase the fear of crime and attract attention from viewers without concern about the "real life" or, more succinctly, mass media distort reality, label the crime events from media side to control public opinion and pursuit the hot topic above truth. Likewise, the radio and online news article also had a similar structure of reporting a crime. In consequence, the accuracy of mass media is doubtful, but it cannot be denied that it is a convenient technique to obtain the enough and massive information about the