Prior to 2009 each state had its’ own set of standards that detailed what students should be competent of grades 3-8 and high school. And to which every state determined its’ own levels of success. This caused there to be no improvement, academically, once the students reached college, many would end up taking remediation classes because the knowledge they had acquired was not sufficient to keep up at college level. Poor results also resulted because every state had its own set of curriculum so from state to state many students suffered in transition. Per state officials, governors and state commissioners of education along with the help of NGA Center and CCSSO they decided that every student in every state deserved the same learning goals regardless of where they resided. Thus, implementing common core to prepare them for college their profession and life goals. Teachers played a big role in the development of the CCSS, for example the drafting process which consisted of the following contributions; they were apart of Work groups and Feedback groups, the NEA and AFT, NCTE in which they worked together to ensure the return of critic on the standards. Teachers also gave in their honest opinion and inputs about the …show more content…
From this type of lesson plan a teacher can benefit as well, learn their student’s weaknesses and contribute to their information to clear things out, it’s beneficial for everyone. I advise to students with plain teachers to be innovative, to contribute to causes outside of school related to their courses to benefit them in the long run, any type of hands on experiences can heighten their education, to levels beyond common core. There also needs to be another way in which teachers can have more power to change certain standards, even though there are many organizations that team up with teachers I feel that they need to do a better job at compromising with teachers’ opinions and inputs. A lot of what can be changed starts right in the hands of a professor meaning that acceptance and control of our class room starts with us, we are given everything to help a child succeed, and the way we teach it will produce such outcome. If these measures are taken accountable for there should be no problem seeing