I would continue to use body language (proper eye contact, posture, and facial expression) that reflects both the daughter’s and patient’s feelings and reciprocally acknowledge their concerns and feelings in a nonjudgmental way. I would use active listening, and acknowledge both of their concerns; moreover, as a catalyst to recovery, I would ask them what they needed and make sure their needs were satisfied. I would inform them of my intention to collaborate with the nursing team, along with the currently assigned patient nurse to gather input and to establish what changes need to be made. To develop trust, I would diligently keep the agreed upon promises with the patient and daughter; being honest in role performance. Accordingly, to express appreciation, I would thank them for the valuable discourse and provide a token of positive regard, “Thank you so much for speaking up” (Yoder-Wise, 2015, p. 419). c. If you are a supervisor or nurse manager: I would introduce myself using my full name and title …show more content…
These people are specially trained and experienced in helping patients who need assistance in resolving their concerns. It is a federal regulation that patients receive a copy of the Patient Bill of Rights when being admitted to the hospital; more often than not, the patient representative contact information is included. Ethics Committees are an additional resource that can be used for patient guidance. These committees “provide structure and guidelines for potential problems, serve as open forums for discussion, and function as true patient advocates by placing the patient at the core of the committee discussions” (Yoder-Wise, 2015, p.