According to a study conducted at Cornell University, an estimated 3 million people die per year due to air pollution ("Pollution Causes 40 Percent Of Deaths Worldwide, Study Finds", …show more content…
The result of improper waste management sends chemicals and other hazards into the air. Christians have been given the duty of taking care of the Earth. Although Christians may not be able to tend to Earth in its entirety, they are commanded to keep clean the parts that were given to them. The first way that Christians can begin to conserve or preserve the environment is to reduce the amount of waste produced. Waste is created by the rejection of unusable materials, such as plastic wrap, paper, and inedible parts of food. There are several ways to reduce waste. The first way is very useful when going shopping. Instead of asking for the plastic bags that are given at check-out, one should take the initiative and purchase 3-4 reusable bags that are sold in the store. These bags can replace the need for plastic and/or paper bags that used and then discarded. Another way to reduce waste created is by buying in bulk. Buying in bulk reduces the amount of material used to package an item that is normally bought in smaller quantities. Changes made to the shopping list, such as deciding to purchase a minimal use cleaner or an