Dog Owners Should Not Be Breed Banned

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Any dog owner and lover would agree that their pets are like family. Each animal with their own personality, responses, and temperament. Breed specific legislation, or breed banning is an ordinance passed by local government basically banning a specific breed or group of breeds of dogs that are considered dangerous.

I strongly believe that banning specific dog breeds is not an effective way for keeping the public safe from dog bites or attacks. The ban does not notice differences in each dog 's temperament, or behavior displayed by individual dogs, but instead groups all dogs of specific breeds as dangerous. Breed banning does not control the problem of dangerous dogs due to the fact that laws are written to target specific breeds instead of targeting the unwanted behaviors,
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If breed bans determine dangerous breeds through bite statistics or the amount of bites per breed, small dogs may be subject to banning as well. Animal control officers offered

some effective alternatives to breed specific legislation which are, prevent aggressive dogs from breeding, socialize young puppies appropriately, and provide appropriate care for adult dogs.

Another alternative to breed banning is to provide adult dogs with appropriate discipline, meaning always be in control of the dog, make sure dogs are properly trained as puppies, and correct any aggression as soon as the owner notices these actions. In one study pit bulls were not assessed individually, but as a group. The study showed the entire group, in comparison to other breeds considered non dangerous, has a higher rate to show different unique behavioral traits during an attack. These behavioral traits were determined on the history of the breed, the tenacity, pain tolerance, unpredictability of aggression, and manner of

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