First of all, let’s talk about prescription drugs as big business. Do you ever wonder why companies need to advertise their drugs on TV? Isn’t it your doctor who should know what drugs you need? Well think about the power of suggestion. Have you ever listened to someone describe the symptoms of something they are suffering and think, “I feel the same way”? So many health issues have the same symptoms. Also what about all these new abbreviations we are now seeing on these commercials that we have never heard of? This is what big pharm is coming up with to sell the new drugs. For example, I recently saw a new commercial for binge eating. The newly coined term is B. E. D., or binge eating disorder. Seriously, there is really a medication for that? While these ads for new medications can be a positive influence on patients they can also be misleading. These drugs are often promoted before research can be completed to study the long term effects of these drugs. These ads also medicalize normal conditions such as aging leading to the overuse of the medical system and prescription drugs. One example of this is the overuse of prescription sleep aids. Doctors are quick to prescribe sleep aids but if they asked a few questions they would learn that most patients who cannot sleep are overusing caffeine, not eating right, and are overstressed. These few causes alone can create an abundance of issues leading to the use of several prescription drugs. One of the top ten most prescribed drugs in the US is Lyrica. Among other uses it is mainly prescribed for Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia syndrome affects the muscles and soft tissue. Symptoms include chronic muscle pain, fatigue, sleep problems, and painful tender joints or trigger points, which can be relieved through medications, lifestyle changes and stress management. Over 80 percent of sufferers are women. Fibromyalgia is often diagnosed when doctors cannot figure out what the exact cause of the symptoms are and Lyrica is the most prescribed drug for treatment. Side effects include, and are not limited to, weight gain, dizziness, fluid retention, confusion, blurred vision, inability to focus, and fatigue. These are just some of the more mild side effects. Is this a case where the drug is worse than the disease? I know from personal experience that fibromyalgia is actually is lifestyle disease and can be cured or maintained through natural methods without all of the unnecessary side effects of prescription drugs. A healthy diet, exercise, and some simple supplementation of natural herbs and vitamins can keep symptoms in …show more content…
I am not saying that all medicines should be avoided, I am saying the use of a “miracle pill” is just not a healthy alternative to good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. When will consumers finally figure out that this “symptom stomping” way of life brought on by big business is not the answer? Alternative medicine not only focuses on the symptoms but also the cause and effect of certain illnesses. Now, there are some side effects to alternative therapies and consumers need to be educated about how they should treat their bodies but, it is my opinion, if you treat you body with respect it will respond with optimal