The Menace Of Communism By Mao Zedong

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Maoism is a political theory formulated by Mao Zedong (1893 - 1976), the Chinese political leader. It was the guiding political and military ideology of the communist party of China (CPC). Rooted in anti-imperialistic struggle, it supported armed revolution in order to achieve political transformation. It aimed at establishing a classless society through armed revolution and envisaged the agrarian peasantry as the key revolutionary force. Mao dreamt of transforming the capitalist society towards socialism through the agrarian peasants. The fundamental concepts of Maoism can be briefly summarized as follows:
(i) People’s War: Capitalism as envisaged by Mao exploited the industrial-rural
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It is currently proscribed as terrorist organization by the Indian Government for organizing mask killing furtherance of their ideology and therefore is considered as India’s single biggest internal security challenge. I will discuss in this essay how Maoism differs from Marxism and Naxalism, why the ideology failed miserably, its rate of growth in our country and examines the effectiveness of the steps taken by the Government to tackle the menace. I also aim at discussing the recent fake arrests and encounter killings in the pretext of …show more content…
Naxalism was influenced by the Communist theory of Mao Zedong. But it originated in India as a rebellion against poverty of the rurals. While Maoism wants to take control of the Government Naxalism is the uprising of the rural workers. Maoism aimed at the transformation of the country towards socialism whereas Naxalism was the anger of the working class. But Maoism is not be confused with the mainstream communist parties in India who regularly get elected to legislatures and Parliaments.

Maoism after Mao in China
It is sheer irony that Mao’s death China repudiated Maoism and restored capitalism. It is Internationally perceived that China has abandoned Maoism. Yet there is a prohibition in china on either publically questioning the validity of Maoism or questioning the ‘Maocity’ of the current actions of the CPC. Anyway, Mao’s successor Deng Xiaoping restored the essentials of capitalism in china to eradicate all ideological and physiological obstacles to economic reform. In short Mao’s legacy has become represented primarily in Nationalistic and patriotic terms and has withered totally as a revolutionary ideology.

Maoism – Beyond China with Special Reference to

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