In “To Develop Skills In:” section, one of the objectives that relates to exploring implicit bias is “recognizing prejudice and stereotyping on the individual level” (George, Eva). The test achieved this because this was one of the primary objectives of the IAT. The test results gives the person a good look at their standing when it comes to certain situations. Those standings can help recognize prejudices and stereotyping. Another objective that relates to exploring implicit associations is “recognizing institutional racism and sexism” (George, Eva). Implicit biases comes from everything people interact with. This includes friends, family, education, media, politics, etc. With some of these implicit biases, it becomes the norm to think that way as society is implementing and reinforcing some of these beliefs. One example of this is women are usually associated with family and social situations while men are usually associated with business and the ‘bread winner’. This has been installed into society for decades which is why it is institutionalized. Another objective that relates to exploring implicit associations is “promoting alternative individual and institutional behaviors patterns that would reduce racism and sexism”(George, Eva). Knowing these implicit associations, it can lead to reducing prejudices and discrimination. It makes people more aware of their unconscious …show more content…
The test measures the time it takes to respond to the questions/scenarios and if the person gets it correct or not. It compare how long it takes between the stereotype section and the counter stereotype section to determine how and if you associate with the stereotype. It gives a spectrum of results ranging from strong stereotype attitude to strong counter stereotype attitudes. As people are suppose to hit the button that they first associate with in the categories, it a good indicator of implicit associations. The only thing that might sway the results the person actively trying to get all the answer correct and might slow down to make sure the word goes into the right category. Other than that hinderance, the IAT is a good indicator of implicit biases and