The lawyer lives into a do or die mentality taught to him by his father. In the beginning of the film, Henry wrongfully wins a case and celebrates his victory over a toast. A character states, “Like father, like son,” and the smile on Henry’s face shows how his success and work ethic comes from his desire to fill his father’s shoes and be accepted by others. Henry is an insensible, bitter person who shows little love and respect towards his family and friends because his mind is wrapped around his desire to work, make money, and obtain material things. With each word he exhales toxic, ashy breath into the atmosphere, and between each thought his mind begs for a burning breath of cigarette smoke. His professional, down to business appearance with a jet black suit and slicked backed hair displays his Id visually. After death bites at his toes, Henry’s Id is seen in a completely different way. At the rehab center, Henry is filled with joy when he learns how to walk and talk. He throws a temper tantrum like a child when he has to leave Bradley, his physical trainer. He displays his new sense of affection by hugging the doorman outside his apartment and holding hands with his wife in public. When he gets bored he meanders around in curiosity and in the library with his daughter he relentlessly flicks pieces of paper at her in an immature manner. On a stroll outside by himself, he gets hungry …show more content…
Although the Id seems in controls of his actions at moments throughout the film, the scenes regarding the Superego build the plot and shape Henry’s character. Henry transforms from a self-absorbed unethical lawyer into a loving and moral father. Every detail about the movie hints that the Superego influences his motives. Henry quits smoking. He stops slicking his hair back and wearing suits. He quits his job of unjustly determining justification at the law firm. He spends time with his family and shows his affection openly towards them. He practically abandons the Id that controlled his life before for his natural