Offreds relationship with the Commander is more like a friends for benefits relationship. It started when Offred “I visit the Commander two or three nights a week-to be asked to play scrabble-including a goodnight kiss (155-156). At this point Offreds tone is robotic because she believes that she has to fulfill the lack of needs that Commander doesn’t receive from his actual Wife “His wife-didn’t understand him-thats what I was there for”(Atwood 158). Its worth noting because Offred is being a mistress for the Commander, which isn’t her job. Offred should be feeling used and taken advantage of, not a responsibility. Although through these nights, Offred gets to do and find somethings that she wasn’t allowed to do before like read “I took the magazine from him-images of my childhood”(Atwood 157). “Took” obviously fills up the hole that was missing in her heart because she never got to read before and now she is. Offred feels satisfied, and it 's worth noting because she 's like a kid in a candy store. Seeing something that 's been around a long time, yet never got a chance to take advantage of it. With this process, Offred started to feel more positive emotions towards the Commander. For example, when Offreds in her own little world”I’m happier than I was before- something to do-Commander: he’s of interest to me-he is more than a shadow”(163). “He” repeated more than once emphasizes Offreds mood …show more content…
Offred had wanted Serena Joy to be “I was disappointed -I wanted her to turn into an older sister, motherly figure-someone who understands, and protects me(Atwood 16). “Sister, “motherly”, and “protected” all suggest positive comments to Serena Joy, yet it isn’t till later on when she takes on the role. When Serena Joy offers a deal to Offred “ I would help you, I would make sure nothing went wrong”(Atwood 205). Serena Joy 's tone towards Offred is caring and sympathetic at the same time, which is unusual for her because she 's usually cold and negative to people. It worth knowing because even the toughest of people, who try not to show “feeling’, end up showing it when you really need it. Also “I” is emphasized because Serena Joy is taking the responsibility and risk to go through with the plan. Overall, this is important because other people 's emotions can end up helping you, rather than weaken you in the