The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, and state sponsored persecution of over 6 million people living in Europe (Introduction to the Holocaust). The Holocaust is also known as the mass murder of European Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and anyone who was different than what they expected (The Holocaust). On January 20, 1933, Adolf Hitler became chancellor and the mastermind of the genocide (The Holocaust). His two main intentions of racial purity and spatial expansion completed the core of his worldview (The Holocaust). Over the next six years, the Nazi regime undertook “Aryanization” of Germany, dismissing all non-aryans or anyone they deemed as imperfect to their Utopian society (The Holocaust). In a concentration camp owned by the Nazi’s known as Auschwitz, over 2 million people alone were killed there (The
The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, and state sponsored persecution of over 6 million people living in Europe (Introduction to the Holocaust). The Holocaust is also known as the mass murder of European Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and anyone who was different than what they expected (The Holocaust). On January 20, 1933, Adolf Hitler became chancellor and the mastermind of the genocide (The Holocaust). His two main intentions of racial purity and spatial expansion completed the core of his worldview (The Holocaust). Over the next six years, the Nazi regime undertook “Aryanization” of Germany, dismissing all non-aryans or anyone they deemed as imperfect to their Utopian society (The Holocaust). In a concentration camp owned by the Nazi’s known as Auschwitz, over 2 million people alone were killed there (The