By definition, stress is any uncomfortable "emotional experience accompanied by predictable biochemical, physiological and behavioral changes." (Baum, 1990) In some situation, stress can be benefited for people. However, the immune, cardiovascular, neuroendocrine and central nervous systems may be affected with an excessive amount of stress. (Anderson, 1998) …show more content…
Stress may be caused by any things which need us to change. Stress relies on a situation and how people detect it. It may last a period of time or provisional. Somethings make a person feel stress which may not affect other person with the same feeling. For example, some basketball player may enjoy their competition without feeling stressed, while some player may feel nervous every time and find it hard to deal with. When we are under pressure or difficult to dealing with an event or stimulus, psychological stress may occur.
Elizabeth Scott define that stress response is the collection of physiological changes that occur when people face a perceived threat. When your stress response is triggered, a series of changes occur within your body. They include a quickening of your pulse, a burst of adrenaline etc. (Elizabeth Scott, M.S., 2014)
At the following part, I will explain stress in three main part, included stressors, effects of stress and some suggestions for stress