The rest of the survey questions and answers held no surprises and were what I expected. The number of diseases the class came up with that have been eradicated or close to eradication was small due to the small number of diseases humans have conquered. …show more content…
I enjoyed reading about Robert Koch and John Snow again. What I did not know about Koch was how extensively he traveled and worked on various diseases (Farmer, Kim, Kleinman, & Basilico, 2013, p. 41-42). The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson is a very interesting book about Snow's discovery and how the pump handle had to be removed to prevent people from using the pump even though they knew the water was contaminated.
I was totally surprised by the lecture “Quinine and Penicillin”, the United States only had enough penicillin for ten people in 1942. It took a war to develop enough penicillin to equal over 646 billion units/year production by June 1945. A large number of military personnel were saved by this development of a sizable supply.
The acronym GOBI-FFF was unfamiliar but the concept behind the letters was very familiar. Oral rehydration has saved many children. Breastfeeding should be the only way to feed an infant because children get many antibodies from their mothers. There are a few women who cannot breastfeed but those are the exceptions. Growth monitoring is useful to find problems in a population's problems with