Quoting Woodley, 2012 he explains people is developing a “huge range of narrow cognitive specializations”, meaning there is a better ability to do tests, detecting and applying certain rules when doing it. The Woodley Effect, Woodley 2012 in reality is pointing out the hiding of a fundamental deterioration in the population intelligence.
The IQ scores set a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 16 in order to give a classification to psychologist to define if the person is intellectually deficient (70 (-- removed HTML --) ). Bennet, 2014 states the 68-95-99.7 rule position the 68% at one standard deviation of the mean, making a 100%- 68% = 32% more than one standard deviation from the mean. A researcher could then rationalize that a 68% of population have an IQ score of in-between 80-120 an of those a 32% have scores of