They made the final decisions to relocate every Japanese-American person in the U.S. Everyone had just assumed that anyone who looked Japanese was either a spy or a terrorist waiting to attack, either way they were dangerous. There is no doubt that there were spies and dangerous terrorists in the U.S at this time, however, relocating each and every Japanese-American seems a bit over the top. February 19, 1842 marked the day President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized that the military relocate the Japanese-Americans; he states that the military has the right to “prescribe military areas” as proper bases for the internment camps (Doc 2). FDR gave authority to any and all military leaders to relocate the Japanese-Americans. A representative from California tried to justify the internment camps by comparing it to a soldier’s sacrifice of his life. He says that if the Japanese are true to America they will relocate with pride because it is an honor to serve your country in any way possible. However using a soldier’s sacrifice to compare with the ‘sacrifice’ the Japanese have to make somewhat implies that they will die in the camps (there was a low chance of men coming back from war) (Doc 4). The government wanted the camps to last, so they created a list of justifications, to make the camps seem okay and practical to anyone against them (Doc
They made the final decisions to relocate every Japanese-American person in the U.S. Everyone had just assumed that anyone who looked Japanese was either a spy or a terrorist waiting to attack, either way they were dangerous. There is no doubt that there were spies and dangerous terrorists in the U.S at this time, however, relocating each and every Japanese-American seems a bit over the top. February 19, 1842 marked the day President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorized that the military relocate the Japanese-Americans; he states that the military has the right to “prescribe military areas” as proper bases for the internment camps (Doc 2). FDR gave authority to any and all military leaders to relocate the Japanese-Americans. A representative from California tried to justify the internment camps by comparing it to a soldier’s sacrifice of his life. He says that if the Japanese are true to America they will relocate with pride because it is an honor to serve your country in any way possible. However using a soldier’s sacrifice to compare with the ‘sacrifice’ the Japanese have to make somewhat implies that they will die in the camps (there was a low chance of men coming back from war) (Doc 4). The government wanted the camps to last, so they created a list of justifications, to make the camps seem okay and practical to anyone against them (Doc