Just as St. Augustine states “... I know which of my senses imprinted each image on my mind,” (8); I can vividly remember which senses left which images in my mind. My senses of sight, touch, and sound were the strongest during this moment. I can physically feel the jerking of the car, see the flashing lights, and hear the screeching tires all around me. The excerpt from Confessions describes in detail how each sense portrays a specific role in the memory process. The excerpt also discusses how all the senses are unified for one purpose: “All these sensations are retained in the great storehouse of memory…” (6). With all my senses working together, I can go back to the time, place, and night of the wreck. Even though some senses are stronger than others, I am still able to recall specific details because essentially all the senses work together to produce a memory or image in my …show more content…
Augustine 7). Every time I am behind the wheel I am quickly reminded of this memory. The car is storage for this memory just as our brains are like a physical container for memories. Whenever I want to make a connection with something from an experience or event, I must connect with my senses to pull from that container of memories. When driving, short or long distances, any sound, sight, or feeling takes me back to that horrifying