In the recent Nepalese Earthquake, it was reported that over 200 000 buildings were damaged during the quake, some of these damaged buildings caused the 6000 fatalities resulting from the disaster. Similar damage statistics have been recorded in other developing countries such as Pakistan, Haiti and Indonesia. On the other hand, developed countries are struck by earthquakes of the same magnitude but the damage and fatalities are significantly lower. For example, Chile was struck by a whopping 8.8 magnitude earthquake in 2010 but lost only 600 lives, 90% lower compared to the Nepalese of a 7.5 magnitude. This proves that deaths and injuries can be significantly reduced through building structures with a better ability to withstand powerful …show more content…
These buildings withstand intense seismic waves by isolating the base of the building, and placing it on a rocking frame made of springs and boards. This technique is known as a seismic invisibility cloak, allowing the building to rock with the earthquake instead of swaying against it. This structure can be reinforced with materials such as structural steel with increased ductility, which can increase the active mass damping of the structure. Structural components such as trusses, shear walls, moment-resisting frames and cross bracing can increase the building 's chances in