Special education students used to be kept completely separate from typical students, so many believe that it should stay that way, where they are in the same school but kept in classrooms apart from the other students. One of the main reasons that schools opt to keep special education students separate is the budget (Mainstreaming Special Education in the Classroom). The education of a student with special needs costs over twice as much as that of the average student and more resources would be needed to integrate these students into general education classes. Many students would need personal aides to accompany them to their classes, which would require the school district to hire more personnel, therefore resulting in an even higher cost. Along with an increased cost, many educators find it best to keep special education students in separate classes because they believe that they will get lost in the content and course load of general education classes (Mainstreaming Special Education in the Classroom). Complete separation of special education students from their peers is often the choice that schools tend to make because it is seemingly easier. However, students often benefit from more interaction than they get in their individualized special education …show more content…
Although separation may be what is best for some students, it is not the case for all of them. Some special education students thrive when they are integrated into a general education classroom. According to Hill and Sukbunpant, an individualized education plan is developed for each student with a disability, which determines the least restrictive environment for that specific student (124). Once the least restrictive environment is determined, which can be a general classroom with or without an aide, a resource room, or a separate classroom, the student can attend the classes that work best for him/her. Placing a student in the least restrictive environment for them allows them to expand their education and work at a pace that is suitable for their needs. Placing special education students in different classrooms, if even for part of the day, exposes them to a new group of peers, but they are still getting the specific attention to their needs (Mainstreaming Special Education in the Classroom). Being a part of a general education classroom for a portion of the school day gives students with special needs the ability to enhance their social skills while communicating more of their peers. Mainstreaming special education students is the best option for them to get the most out of their education because they are a