Throughout Jesus’ ministry he lead by example. Spending quiet time with God, through prayer and fasting, talking to sinners, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, casting out demons, and calling those who believed in him. He began teaching them how to reach and touch those that were lost and without Christ. He did not walk this earth just as a man, but as God who trained up others to follow his lead. The difference in the ministry of Christ and the disciples after Christ ascended were different in the sense that, men believed that Christ was the Messiah while he was here, that he was going to save them, and after the resurrection, the disciples understood the extent of what that meant. Only by living in the presence of Christ could any disciple know what that meant. In order to reproduce the church we also must do as Christ did. …show more content…
He began his ministry with twelve disciples, yet when the disciples went to Jerusalem and had been told to wait for the comforter, it was not twelve that stayed, it was a hundred and twenty. He had raised men up to take his place in ministry. He had given them the tools to reach the lost and win souls, but he knew that without the power of the Holy Spirit there lives would be powerless. After they received the power of the Holy Spirit, lives around them began to change. The started churches and went on missions. They returned to the places they had built to make sure they were still preaching the gospel of Christ, not words of man or empty promises. See Christ knew it was not about the numbers but those committee to sharing the gospel that mattered. As the body of Christ today, we must also fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ and walk through the garden with them. We must raise up new believers and empower them to carry on the Word of God as if we were already gone and with the Father. We must teach them to be leaders of leaders, so that they in turn may train up more leaders. In order for this to be effective we must have a system that can help individuals know they are staying on the right path. Jesus sent his disciples out two by two, and after a time they returned to him with an outline of what they had been doing. He rejoiced with them, and he also redirected them when the need arose. So we should be. When training up others to go and spread the news of Christ to others, when we follow up with them and see how they are doing, we should rejoice with them, and we also need to give guidance