The old brain …show more content…
This can leave some students feeling inferior compared to others. The old brain theory also leaves students at a fixed level of intelligence; this can leave many potentially smart people feeling left out or feeling unable to pursue their dream jobs. According to Jensen in a “Preface to Enriching the Brain” “We now have “special ed,” “regular ed,” and “gifted ed,” almost as if we were sorting laundry or nuts, bolts, and washers. (Jensen 6)” This is seen society today as some students may drop out of school and simply pursue jobs at fast food, grocery stores, or gas stations; even though they could achieve so much more. A friend of mine who wasn’t making good grades at the time, received an application for applying at McDonalds from his teacher.
The teacher said this was the best he could do in life, and that college would be a waste of time and money for him. My friend now has two bachelor’s degrees and is working as a nurse; he proved everyone else wrong and got his dream job. A student should not base their intelligence off of an IQ, as it will only hinder their progress in learning.
In contrast to the old brain theory the new brain theory is much more accurate …show more content…
The new brain theory shows a student that a persons’ brain is always changing; and that intelligence is what they make of it. Almost anyone can be who or whatever they want to be regardless of what those around them may say. As stated in a “Preface in Enriching the Brain” “We can purposefully alter our brain structures and processing by the behaviors we chose. (Jensen 7)” I know for myself this really speaks to me, in middle school I was having a really rough time at home, so my grades completely fell apart and I barely passed my seventh grade year. The next year though I changed the way I was thinking and made myself work hard. That year I made straight A’s and B’s. The new brain theory sheds light on the fact that almost everyone is capable of learning and being intelligent. Anyone can get better at a skill with hard work and a good attitude.
Learning good learning skills will also promote academic intelligence for students.
Learning skills can help to improve grades, studying, getting homework done, and staying on task. Some of the learning skills suggested in “Enhancing the Brain through Skill Learning” by Jensen are having an “attentional mind-set”,” moderating stress,” and “repetition of