Aside from cigarettes being nasty anyways and the god awful smell of regular tobacco cigarettes, the e-cigarette does have a normally non-offensive or pleasant scent associated having the desire to smoke without breathing in the actual smoke of a traditional cigarette. Everyday tobacco cigarettes generate smoke that is a toxic and is harmful to someone but also to others around you for second hand smoke. Acetone which is an irritant that can cause kidney and liver damage to an individual, Acrolein that is extremely toxic, Carbon Monoxide decreases heart and muscle functions needed, and Lead which is a cause of brain damage just to name a few, but the list goes on [FDA]. E-cigarettes do not contain any of these harmful ingredients, yet the FDA still wants to regulate. Smoking e-cigarettes or tobacco cigarettes affect everyone differently, so the benefits of e-cigs assist you better in quitting smoking or simple cutting down the
Aside from cigarettes being nasty anyways and the god awful smell of regular tobacco cigarettes, the e-cigarette does have a normally non-offensive or pleasant scent associated having the desire to smoke without breathing in the actual smoke of a traditional cigarette. Everyday tobacco cigarettes generate smoke that is a toxic and is harmful to someone but also to others around you for second hand smoke. Acetone which is an irritant that can cause kidney and liver damage to an individual, Acrolein that is extremely toxic, Carbon Monoxide decreases heart and muscle functions needed, and Lead which is a cause of brain damage just to name a few, but the list goes on [FDA]. E-cigarettes do not contain any of these harmful ingredients, yet the FDA still wants to regulate. Smoking e-cigarettes or tobacco cigarettes affect everyone differently, so the benefits of e-cigs assist you better in quitting smoking or simple cutting down the