Just about every student in a high school setting has a cell phone on them at any given point during the day at school. Teachers think that students aren’t doing their work if they are on their phone. That may not always be the case, but usually the students are doing something they shouldn’t be.
Cell phone usage can get out of hand in a heartbeat while in high school, because when students hear they are able to use their phones most look up the answers, some play music off the device, others don’t use it at all. …show more content…
As a student living in Ohio, we have unchangeable weather, strange things happen at school, plans change, sport events get cancelled, happen to get sick at school, the list could go on why cell phones really aren’t that bad in a school setting. According to the article Cell Phones in School stated that, “Supporters point out that vast numbers of parents and children depend on cell phones to communicate their daily whereabouts and activities, to coordinate rides and pick-ups, and to update each other on changes in schedule”(Ballaro, B., & Ginsburg, J., 2016., para. 4). As a high school student this situations occur when our parents are at work and we can not call them. Sending them a quick texting telling them what is going on and letting the parents read the message when they have the chance too. Students who do online assignments are comfortable with the device, they know how to use it, they can easily read what is needed. Whereas, using a device that the school has they would have to learn how to use it, get comfortable using the new device. Allowing the students to use their own devices according to Cell Phone in School says “some institutions encouraged students to bring cell phones to school, hoping to harness their educational capabilities without cost to the school” (Ballaro, B., & Ginsburg, J., 2016.,para., 4). Generally most kids have a cell phone or a device that they can access the internet with, having the students do this is cheaper and more beneficial to the school to have the child bring their device to school. Also im sure they will take better care of it if it is their own versus the schools. One downfall of this would be having to allow the kids to charge the device. Life without the internet, Huh? Who has heard of that? Students in school have not known school without the use of the internet. Some of the older teachers on the only hand have known life and school without the internet at the reach of your fingers. The younger teachers are the ones who have finished college in the last 5 years and know how much cell phones really do. Compared to your older teachers