Sarah was a bright, smart, and outgoing child. As mentioned before, her love for horses helped her to compete in horse riding competitions. Her family said, “As a child she was the center of attention, everyone liked her, and she was spoiled materialistically with lots of affection.” Now, with Sarah’s drug problem, Patsy feels she is raising her daughter as a baby all over again. This is heartbreaking in my opinion. In school, she hung out with groups of people who had no good intentions for her. This is how she was first exposed to getting involved with drugs. Later, she got married while being high, had kids and now realizes her first marriage was a big mistake. In order to support her family, she steals and robs. Sarah has been living in her sister’s trailer located on the family’s property. Patrick was her boyfriend who lives with her and also has the same drug addiction. Later on, they moved to an apartment together that was directly across from a crack house. He is simply not a good influence or person for Sarah. If Sarah doesn’t take the drugs he gives her, he beats her up. Patrick is routinely violent and aggressive when he is with Sarah. He is only making her addiction worse than …show more content…
Every weekend, they mentioned about going to the local bar. This could be one reason why Sarah is behaving the way she is. Parents are the role models for their children. Her troubles with drugs came from not having an affectionate family. I do not agree and see this only as an excuse. Sarah’s parents feel guilt for the choices Sarah makes in her life. I don’t agree with this because Sarah is not taking responsibility for her actions, her parent are and that is not right. She is thirty-two years old, an adult who can make her own decisions. In my opinion, she is accountable for whether those decisions are for good intensions or not. To some degree, her parent’s actions in the past do have a big influence on what she does later on in life as an adult. To blame her parents outright for Sarah’s wrong doing is simply wrong. They seem to be a loving, caring, and king of family who helps one another. I believe people need to take responsibility for their own actions, rather than blaming others for their