One character Miller uses to display that theme is Proctor. A way that Proctor displays that theme is by his need of saving his friends. Basically, he shows that when he tries to defend his friend Giles, where Giles is trying to defend his wife in court from being guilty of witchcraft. Unfortunately for Proctor, the consequences of him putting …show more content…
A way that Abigail displays that theme is through her obsession of Proctor. In the story, Abigail puts her own need of Proctor before considering the lives of others. Subsequently, that desire leads to her making choices that do harm to others like Proctor and Elizabeth since that Proctor ends up being convicted of witchcraft because of her accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft, which makes Proctor unhappy, and Elizabeth also loses her husband, whom she loves thanks to Abigail’s need of having Proctor. Using her own deception for her own need of not being convicted of witchcraft is the way that Abigail displays that theme. That means that Abigail uses deception in order to save herself rather than tell the truth of all the events that happen to her. For instance, an example is when Abigail says “Mary, please don’t hurt me!”(Miller 107), where she convinces Danforth that Mary’s spirit is hurting her when in reality, her spirit really is not. Sadly, that statement Abigail makes because of using deception to mislead the court that Mary’s spirit is hurting her, to distract the court from her lie of accusing Elizabeth of witchcraft leads to Mary saying that Proctor is “the Devil’s man!”(Miller 110), which leads to Proctor getting arrested and later Danforth orders those who do not confess witchcraft must have an execution, including Proctor. That in turn results to the disastrous consequence of Elizabeth losing