High Cost Of College Essay

Improved Essays
Just thinking about the cost of college tuition is enough to make any student shudder. The high cost of college tuition forces many families to shy away from sending their children to achieve higher education. If college tuition in the U.S. was free, both students and the economy would benefit by the ability to receive an education without being buried in student loan debt. Because the cost of college limits many families from making major financial investments, as well as increases the likelihood of students accumulating major debt, the high tuition of postsecondary education is continually hurting the economy. Therefore, free college would positively impact the economy, as well as students and their families by allowing more students would be able to receive postsecondary education without a major financial strain.
As the increasing cost of college has forced
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The students that do choose to go to school leave with a diploma and thousands of dollars in student loan debt that can affect them for many years. The student debt they incur hurts the economy by pushing students into massive debt they can’t afford to repay. In addition, as students restrict their spending in an attempt to be able to pay off their loans more easily, less economic activity occurs, negatively impacting the economy. Lydia O’Connor, an assistant editor and graduate from the University of Southern California, found that “a 2 percent increase in people with an associate’s degree and a 1 percent increase in people with a bachelor’s degree would result in… 174,000 new jobs” (O’Connor). The economy would greatly benefit from increased jobs because students would have more income, allowing them to make larger financial investments. This is largely caused by the high tuition level that force students to choose between working and furthering their

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