When students just simply learn and then take tests, it is not any different than the routine day to day activities of college. Many students may be at a less than optimal level of arousal in the day to day and by adding this new stimulus of not just learning, but having to teach material that was just learned, it raises the students arousal level causing them to put more effort into learning the material. Also the aspect that they are accountable for not just their own success, but also someone else’s success would drive many of the students according to Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchical Model of Motivation. For the students that were trying to achieve or maintain the fourth level known as the need for esteem, this would create a dilemma. The fact that they could be seen as incompetent to the person that they would teach if they do not understand the material adequately would drive many to put extra effort into learning the material in order to avoid …show more content…
The discovered technique is effective because of its utilization of the Optimal Arousal and Hierarchical Models of motivation thus driving the students to put more effort into their learning, and the benefits are seen in the results of the memory tests. Hopefully I will see further research in this method in the future and with the right results it can be properly utilized in our public health