Capital Punishment
Capital punishment is a very controversial issue in the countries where it can be found with long standing application in countries such as the United States. If a variant analysis could be carried out, what are the reasons that would explain people’s view on death penalty having any deterrent effect or what is the moral nature of capital punishment? Various opinions have been put across to discuss these issues considering the cost – benefit analysis of its application. There is an expanding body of research that tried to get reasons as to why some people fully supports the death sentence, other people favor the penalty somehow while others totally feel it is completely wrong and unethical. …show more content…
They think that the lives of the murders should not be spared since they could murder other people as well (Ernest 1).
Cost- benefit analysis of capital punishment
Abolitionist argue that capital punishment wastes limited resources considering the time and energy required by courts, prosecutors, defense counsel, juries and law enforcement personnel and burdens the criminal justice system. Such resources would be used in preventing, solving and controlling criminal activities (Rob Warden 359).
However the supporters of death penalty also point out that death sentence is way ahead cheaper compared to the criminals spending their entire lives in prisons. This is a reason they give though it may sound invalid and unjust (Ellsworth and Gross 19). Other supports feel that the criminals are a threat to the society since they might be pardoned and execute more murders. This reason and the fact that death sentences ensure less resources are used makes the death sentence acceptable in most countries in order to prevent further murders from happening (Ellsworth and Gross