This plan is called the High School Redesign Initiative. With this plan in place Obama is trying to give not only high schools but middle schools as well the advanced education that we so desperately need. This plan states that Obama plans to redesign academic content and instructional practices, personalize learning opportunities, provide academic and wrap-around support services, provide high-quality career and college exploration and counseling, offer opportunities to earn postsecondary credits, provide career-related experiences or competencies, strategically use learning time in more meaningful ways and to provide evidence-based professional development. (Fact Sheet: Redesigning America 's High Schools) This plan was officially tested and started in 2013. The Redesign Initiative was made to lead the world in educational standings. (Fact Sheet: Redesigning America 's High Schools) United States is ranked 36th in the world yet we claim to be the best at everything. The plan is still not implemented in every school in all the 50 states. This is the only thing being done but the amount of schools that have it is not even at a bare minimum. Only five schools have had it affect them for the better. Those schools being Manor New Tech High, Pathways in Technology Early College High (P-TECH), Reynoldsburg …show more content…
This would be avoided as much as possible by providing a more personal and adjustable educational experience for the students by focusing on strengthening their weaknesses and flourishing their strengths no matter their preference. Like Ken Robinson said “If all insects died today in 50 years the world will perish, but if all of mankind died today in 50 years the world will flourish”. This quote is practically a reference saying that mankind has the power to achieve great things but we will not be able to evolve if the schooling system is as restraining as it is now. This is by no means useless if the school system starts to accept the fact that great things happen through creativity. If the schooling system changes to accommodate each student individually and personally then it would be the most useful system to be known to mankind. If a career-based curriculum is challenging the student to be their best at what they like or prefer; how would this be in any which way boring? Teachers usually say that if the curriculum is too easy then the student is bored and tends to not try at all. Also students tend to pay attention to things that are both interesting and challenging to the individual child. If provided with the best of both worlds not only will the child pay attention and be intrigued, but also stride to be the best because it is what