Now in present time caffeine is known to be in coffee and energy drinks. Caffeine is a substance that adds energy to beverages and is …show more content…
As mentioned in the article, “The molecular structure of caffeine is similar to that of adenosine – they essentially have the same shape. Because of this, once the caffeine is in your brain, it can bond with adenosine receptors. Since the caffeine molecules are taking up this space, there is no room for adenosine to bond, and the adenosine in your system is therefore not able to make you sleepy,” it is how the body handles caffeine when ingested. It is easy for this substance to transition to the brain because of its similarity to adenosine (what makes an individual sleepy). (Ding, Bhupathiraju, Chen, Dam, R. , & Hu ,2014, para. 4).The qualities it has is what allows it to be able to dispose of the adenosine resulting in the waking of an individual. As an individual is wakes up the amount adenosine is not there to promote the sleepiness from taking over causing the caffeine to dominate this part of the brain. Caffeine betters the recipient 's performance as the way a drug works by giving the necessary requirements to the brain for the brain to react so fast after ingestion. It can be compared as a stimulant that affects the nervous system to give off the energy. However it can also be dreadful to discover when caffeine has done its effects of a better performance, and giving off energy that when it starts to weaken the individual goes back to normal. Well, …show more content…
The side effects of caffeine levels rising more than needed are shakiness, not being able to sleep, abnormal heart rhythms, and anxiety. Not only are these side effects included when consuming caffeine considering there are also the side effects when withdrawing from this substance. “Withdrawal effects include headaches, difficulty to concentrate and sleep, and pain in the stomach and joints.” When withdrawing from caffeine it can do the opposite of what the purpose was to consume this substance. It is harder when women are pregnant considering “caffeine consumption during pregnancy has been shown to be associated with fetal growth restriction” (Morphett, Heath, McIntosh, W., & Dorrian, 2014, para. 1). When overexerting the recommended caffeine needed for a daily basis can cause harm to the baby while it is developing in the body. When restricting its developing process the baby can have trouble in the future due to its development being restricted because of this substance. As mentioned previously, this is why it is essential to know what caffeine does to the body; whether one is pregnant or not symptoms will show up if not knowing what an individual can take on a daily basis. When taking precautionary measures it can prevent the pain and misery of what caffeine levels in the body can do compared to an individual who is not alert of what is the