Stress is normally a factor in this case. People could be really stressed out, and they might not know how to handle or cope with it. People think that cigarettes calm a person down, but it actually does the opposite. Cigarettes are stimulants which raise levels of nervousness in the body. People just think that it calms them down but it’s all in their head. Now it may make them feel better, but it won’t for long. A common reason why people smoke is peer pressure. Their parents could be smokers and it runs in the family, so they might feel the need to smoke. Being with friends that like to smoke is usually why people start smoking in the first place. They see their friends smoke, so they want to join the crowd and have fun with their friends. My uncle had this problem. He started smoking at the age of sixteen because everyone smoked back then, so he was just doing what his friends were doing. They all thought they were pretty cool, but in reality they were just being stupid. My uncle is still a smoker at the age of forty-six and he hasn’t been able to quit. Younger people also start smoking because they want to be rebellious and go against their parents. They think smoking cigarettes looks cool, so they try it out. That is one of the biggest mistakes they could ever make. A possible cause for smoking cigarettes is psychological issues. People who have depression feel empty and worthless inside, so they think that the …show more content…
Smoking causes bronchitis, lung cancer, oral cancer, as well as other cancers, asthma, cardiovascular disease, blood clots, strokes, diabetes, heart disease, wrinkles, and it limits your blood flow, etc. (Benjamin). Of course you won’t get these all at once, but people have a very high risk of getting at least one of these problems. Most of the time the smokers get some sort of cancer because tobacco contains seventy chemicals that contain cancer. Also one in three deaths of cancer are caused by smoking (Benjamin). People that have just started to smoke may experience short term effects like nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, dental problems, and they always smell of smoke (“Tobacco Related Diseases”). Christine started smoking cigarettes at the age of sixteen because she wanted to fit in. At the age of forty-four her life would change forever. She got oral cancer and the doctors had to remove half of her jaw. She then decided to quit smoking after that. Today she has been smoke free for five years at the age of forty-nine (“Tobacco Production and Use”). More than sixteen million Americans have a disease from smoking (“Tobacco Production and Use”). Now because of this, smokers die ten years earlier than non smokers (“Tobacco Production and Use”). People lose a lot of money from smoking cigarettes, because it’s a very expensive habit. If people are smoking a pack a day, and they have medical bills from