Every day, every week, every month brings more evidence--hunger and poverty getting worse, jobs lost and homes in foreclosure, war and environmental destruction. And all the while, a tiny elite enjoys a life of unbelievable wealth and privilege. Something different is badly needed. But what is the alternative?” Maass reports. This thus summarizes the tone of the article as presenting an alternative to the currently existing capitalist system. The author then goes on to compare the fortunes of the rich and the poor. He argues that there exists massive inequality in the world and a lot of people languish in poverty despite there being immense wealth. Maass also reports that in 2009 793 people (number of world billionaires at the time) had a combined worth of $2.4 trillion which translates to nearly twice the gross domestic product of Sub-Saharan Africa countries as reported by World Bank. This therefore implies that 793 individuals control more money than 3 billion …show more content…
By prioritizing job creation over profits, education of society over wars and health care over weaponry we could create a more mutually beneficial society for all. Wars on the other hand does not lead to any benefit to humanity in general and only serves to increase the plight of the society. By reallocation of the money spent on wars to more mutually beneficial initiatives, the world in general would be a better place. Wars aside from depleting a country’s resources also has other detrimental effects such as increased pollution and destroying of scarce natural resources which could be preserved for the benefit of future