In the "Tunnel" the boy waces these older men jump in to the water then swim throght the tunnle, causing him to train for the tunnle. All week he trains for this and on his last day here he gose where the tunnle is and swims thorgh it to the other side. Then causing him to see a new prospective into the life of an adult. In the "Bridge" He was thrown into his rite of passage after caseing the girl he had to save her jumping into the water he grabs her and gets her to safety causing him to see the bigger picture into the adult way of life. Then saying "if one man can do another can do it too" In "scarlet Ibis" the brother naarating teaches Doodle the little brother learn to walk. Doodle haveing a problem he did'nt not giveing up on life and trying to keep his brother proud of him. In the end the "Scarlet Ibis" shows that it dose eat from the negive side of the vine. All three storys show that moreals are part of all three storys. Althogh vine that bears two vines told all of the storys have ,morals, all of the stories they tsalk aabout pride. In the vine "The Bridge" and "Through the Tunnle" have a positive pride. Then the "Scarlet Ibis" eats off of the negitve vine showing that pride can also hert you. All of the three stories have positve and negitve rites of passage and morals that stand beyond its …show more content…
Between all three storys they all have many ways they realate to each other. Thoght the " Scarlet ibis has many ways it shows the -vine of death and life- all of the stories have many rites of passage. All the stories have a positve and negitve rites of passage. In "Though the Tunnel" the separation that Jerry leaves the mother's beach to be alone at the boy's beach, the transformation, jerru pracices holding his breath and succcessfully seims through the tunnle. "The bridge" is one of the most life changing storie and relates to "Through the Tunnle" both have the main caritars. "The Scarlet Ibis" has a negitve rite of passage when his brother died he got a negive rite of passge. Without his brother he would want to be sad and angray at himself. Finally all three storys have many simiularitys and diffreces haveing them use the vine of death and the vine of life, that is the seed that bears two