Edgar Hoover, a former director of the FBI who introduced “COINTELPRO,” an undisclosed action, which dishonored the black patriotic groups. The motive for this program was to uncover, dishonor, and most important compensate for the activities in which these black nationalists associated. This party’s enlargement triggered fear in Edgar and the fact of white young supporters who joined and advocated these black nationalists made him uneasy. Edgar discovered means that unveiled details regarding the party’s movement including the fact that they purposely concealed FBI informants and also utilized his method to trail their activities. Following the death of Martin Luther King, the members of the Black Panthers were ready to attack the police, however;
Edgar Hoover, a former director of the FBI who introduced “COINTELPRO,” an undisclosed action, which dishonored the black patriotic groups. The motive for this program was to uncover, dishonor, and most important compensate for the activities in which these black nationalists associated. This party’s enlargement triggered fear in Edgar and the fact of white young supporters who joined and advocated these black nationalists made him uneasy. Edgar discovered means that unveiled details regarding the party’s movement including the fact that they purposely concealed FBI informants and also utilized his method to trail their activities. Following the death of Martin Luther King, the members of the Black Panthers were ready to attack the police, however;