The British blockade continued even after the battles stopped ending up with an economic depression. The Articles of Confederation soon came to be the constitution of the United States following its creation in the year 1776 to the new Constitution ratification in 1788. The federal government did not have the concentrated power whereas the states did. Many small merchants and farmers supported the Articles of Confederation because the political power was centralized in the state capitals other than in Philadelphia. The Articles didn 't include anything about slavery but since it never stated anything, at this time it was believed to be legal. The western territories were free from the federal gaining power because of the Articles of Confederation. In the year 1787 the Northwest Ordinance was approved which allowed the western territories to sale, survey and …show more content…
The Barbary Pirates attacked the United States in ships at the Mediterranean in the 1780s. Many pirate threats were argument on why the federal government should be able to ask for taxes to build a strong army. The federal government was in debt and unable to pay of the debts since they weren 't able to charge taxes which lead to the American Revolution. With the nation in debt many revolutionary war veterans went bankrupt post war. Farmers wanted more money to be printed which let to a riot in New