I have determined that the broken window effect would work alongside this approach into making Emerson a safer city. If Emerson were to focus their officers in high crime neighborhoods, fixing up one area can possibly show other criminals from other areas that there is not point of them committing crimes as there are officers around fixing things up with community members. Another advantage that can be noted if we were to replace SOIL, would be that there would be a decrease in crime overall. I noticed, when I was working in Pastastan, that having undercover officers and on duty officers in high crime neighborhoods, allowed for there to be more arrests and the surrounding areas showed a decrease in criminal activities. Presumably, the surrounding area criminals noted that there was an increase in arrests and officers in their partner neighborhood and decided to end their activities. The last advantage that I noted when doing the research was that the zero tolerance approach would be very beneficial. Having officers focus on a high crime neighborhood and getting them to crackdown on minor offences can lead to a reduction in more serious offences. This can be very beneficial, as similar to before, can result in neighborhoods around the area to stop their criminal activities as they have a stronger chance at getting caught. …show more content…
This project will follow the rates of neighborhoods and not specific criminals. Then, there would be more officers at a specific neighborhood and some of them will be undercover cops, who will all be tracking criminals within the neighborhood and tackling the broken window approach. Now I am aware that you also requested a method of measurement for the ‘success’ rate. I believe that using the recidivism method would be a great way to track the ‘success’ rate of the project as it allows the city to track criminals for committing the same crime that they were originally arrested for. It is known that a criminal for a specific activity, such as vandalism, murder, possession of weapons or drugs, will always be known for that specific crime (the chances are that you would not have someone who is known for murder, vandalize a park). Therefore, this approach and this project can be very beneficial for the city of Emerson and hopefully ‘Project Bust Em’ is a