Lennie and George have been friends for a long time and they always look after each other. Lennie has a mental disability and has more of a childlike personality and relies on George for almost everything. In this novel, Lennie cannot take care of himself and always goes to George whenever something is wrong. Lennie know this, and in the novel explains that, “Says I can’t tend no rabbits if I talk to you or nothing.” He kind of treats George like his dad and gets scared when he does something wrong because he is expecting George to get mad and possibly punish him by not letting tend to the rabbits. He really looks up to George for guidance and direction so whenever Lennie is alone without George something bad always happens. In this novel, you see that Lennie has been getting in trouble from the beginning. That’s one reason why they are always on the run. And George states …show more content…
Everything they hoped for was all gone and they didn’t get close to achieving what they wanted. George wanted to live in one place with cattle and be able to relax and not work constantly. George also didn’t want to always have to look after Lennie and stop having to worry about him all the time but he still liked Lennie though. George could have gotten ridden of Lennie the whole time but he cares about him. However, all Lennie wanted was to have rabbits and be able to tend them. He had nothing else he wanted more than to tend to rabbits. Animals were really something he cared about and they made him happy. Unfortunately neither of them got what they