Arguments for the economic policy change include that an economy that is severely money-oriented neglects their citizen’s needs, and mandates that in order to be respected, loved, worthy, and in order to keep yourself and your family alive in general, you must possess a piece of green paper, only worthy of anything because we told you so. Paul le Blanc addressed the socialist views in his essay “The Absence of Socialism in America”, by calling the “class antagonism” a contradiction to the capitalist system. Instead of giving everyone opportunity, as it’s pure theories would do, American capitalism is giving opportunity to a select few, and neglecting the majority of its nation. Currently, Europe has many successful socialist countries who focus on the needs of their citizens, proving itself to be better for the individual than capitalism. The majority of these countries have ranked drastically higher than the United States in their science, math and reading scores. Interestingly, while unemployment typically trends lower in the United States, poverty rates are significantly higher than countries that instill socialism in their economy. Perhaps the most relevant belief stemming from capitalists regards
Arguments for the economic policy change include that an economy that is severely money-oriented neglects their citizen’s needs, and mandates that in order to be respected, loved, worthy, and in order to keep yourself and your family alive in general, you must possess a piece of green paper, only worthy of anything because we told you so. Paul le Blanc addressed the socialist views in his essay “The Absence of Socialism in America”, by calling the “class antagonism” a contradiction to the capitalist system. Instead of giving everyone opportunity, as it’s pure theories would do, American capitalism is giving opportunity to a select few, and neglecting the majority of its nation. Currently, Europe has many successful socialist countries who focus on the needs of their citizens, proving itself to be better for the individual than capitalism. The majority of these countries have ranked drastically higher than the United States in their science, math and reading scores. Interestingly, while unemployment typically trends lower in the United States, poverty rates are significantly higher than countries that instill socialism in their economy. Perhaps the most relevant belief stemming from capitalists regards