v. Ethnic groups: Thai 75%, Chinese 14%, other 11%
III. ECONOMIC STATISTICS AND ACTIVITY: 1 Thai Baht = 0.0273059164 U.S. dollars
a. Gross domestic product
i. TOTAL: 7104.2 billions of Baht ii. RATE OF GROWTH: 4.4%
b. Personal income per capita: 66,037.1 millions of Baht
c. Average Family Income: 7,015 Baht/month
d. Distribution of Wealth: Ten percent of the Thailand population is still below the poverty line.
e. Minerals and resources: The natural resources for Thailand include: tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, gypsum, lignite, fluorite, and arable land.
f. Transportation: The modes of surface transportation for Thailand include: pipelines for transporting natural gas, railways, roadways, and waterways. The availability for the different modes is:
i. Pipelines for transporting natural gas: 3,112 km ii. Pipelines for transporting refined products: 265 km iii. Railways: 4, 071 km iv. Roadways: 57,403 km
v. Waterways: 4,000 km vi. The major ports in Thailand are Bangkok, Laem Chabang, Prachuap Port, and Si Racha. g. Communication Systems: The types of communication systems in use are main line telephones, cellular phones, radio broadcast, television broadcast, and the internet. Their availability and usage rates in 2005 and 2006 were: i. Main line telephones in use: 7.035 million ii. Mobile phones: 27.379 million iii. Radio broadcast stations: AM 204, FM 334, and short wave 6 iv. Television broadcast stations: 111 v. Internet users: 8.42 million h. Working Conditions: Despite numerous industrial and economic advancements in the country, there are still poor working conditions and low wages for many workers. Labor unions increased in 2001 due to such working conditions. Also, many Thailand companies employ large numbers of illegal immigrants that work at or below minimum wage. i. Principal Industries: The GDP composition by sector of principal industries include: agriculture 11%, industry 40%, and services 49%. j. International Trade Statistics and Trade Restrictions: Major trading partners for Thailand include: the U.S., Japan, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. The dollar value for major exports is approximately $105.8 billion Free on Board; for major imports, $107 billion Free on Board. As of September 2006, there was a surplus for the balance-of-payments. The balance-of-payments as of September was 2,555 millions of U.S. dollars. There is one exchange rate for the country. 1 U.S. dollars is equal to about 37 Baht. The current status of Thailand in regards to trade is that the country wants to expand its potential. The country is a member of APEC and wants to have improved trade links within ASEAN. Although the system is described as being difficult to understand, the tariff system is a key tool in Thailand's trade policies. Licensing requirements in regards to trade are most important for national security, health, and environmental reasons. k. Labor force and Inflation Rate: The current size of the labor force is about 35.36 million people, and the unemployment rate is currently at about 1.8%. The inflation rate for the country is about 4.8%. IV. DEVELOPMENTS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY a. Current Technology available: A well-developed infrastructure leads to having the newest technology available in the larger cities. According to the NECTEC (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center), which is an organization responsible for the development of IT in Thailand. Its mission is to ensure Thailand's competitiveness in Electronics and Computers and the use of IT to stimulate economic and social impact through …show more content…
With this solid performance, Thailand has passed the economic crisis that hit the country and in 1997 and appears on course for further growth. Even the SARS crisis that struck much of the region in early 2003 had little impact on Thailand, due to the government's quick reaction to stop the spread of the disease in the country. Bouncing back easily from this possible disaster, Thailand is now focused on managing its performance to avoid a growth bump like the one that started the economic crisis of the