Terrorism: the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal
With all the dark forces fighting the assimilation that once made America a superpower, it seems fit to analyze some of these vices. It seems every day, CNN reports a new terror attack, shooting, or bombing somewhere in the world and terrorism has grown and evolved into something everyone, even Americans, fears. People keep looking over their shoulder and the entire Islamic faith has been smeared. But people do not question the credibility of the threat or even asks about what terror groups to fear more than others. And when Americans are asked about terrorism, their lack of accurate information warrants …show more content…
The best source of background information on terrorism is in the form of a map in the PCL map room. The map titled: World Terrorism and is a terrorism timeline starting from 1967 through 2002. The map is printed by Maps.com and measures 68 x 99 cm. The artifact has a ‘tourist guide’ feel to it; printed on paper similar to that a map of New York or Austin would be printed on. It is printed on a 1:41,000,000 scale and set at the Equator. The map is designed to fold like a tour guide, folding small enough to fit in one’s pocket. All the data on the map is sourced from Inside Terrorism by Bruce Hoffman; Underground by Haruki Murakami; Terrorism in the 20th Century by Jay Robert Nash; Patterns of Global Terrorism by US Department of …show more content…
So, ISIS focuses on attacking “apostate” regimes in the area not necessarily citing America as an enemy. In other words, ISIS believes it can overthrow regime even when dictators are receiving American support. It wishes to establish a government in the Middle East where Muslims can live under Sharia law. The group also wishes to cleanse the Islamic faith by slaughtering Shia Muslims across the Middle East. ISIS’s main strategy can be simplified to territory; by building an army to steadily consolidate and expand its area of control. Also ISIS attacks all have strategic or symbolic value to the group; attacking only military bases and economic centers. For this reason, the group has not conducted any large-scale attacks outside of the Middle East. There have been attacks by people inspired by ISIS ideology but ISIS has never formally committed a terror attack on Western soil. Even in areas under ISIS control, the group employ mass shooting to bully locals into their ideology and those who do not convert are ruthlessly killed on the streets (Byman et al 2015). Operating in a social media boom, ISIS has efficiently used twitter and YouTube to further their cause but most of their material has been footage of killings of American soldiers and Shi’a Muslims. Their movement can be summed up to ‘crowdsourcing