To be a college student and have such errors it’s embarrassing. In the final draft of my essay Teen Influences I made three spelling errors. The three words I misspelled were pressure, whether, and benefited. (1-3). These words were misspelled not because I don’t know how to spell them, but because I had a limited amount of time to write the essay in class. I only had fifty minutes to write the four pages of my Teen Influences paper. The day before I could have written half of it, but I didn’t because I had other things on my mind that kept distracting me from doing the in class essay. It may not seem as a huge deal, but a final draft has to be perfect. To fix the spelling issues I now look up how to properly spell a word I have a doubt on how to spell; and also double check spelling when I am rushed and on a time
To be a college student and have such errors it’s embarrassing. In the final draft of my essay Teen Influences I made three spelling errors. The three words I misspelled were pressure, whether, and benefited. (1-3). These words were misspelled not because I don’t know how to spell them, but because I had a limited amount of time to write the essay in class. I only had fifty minutes to write the four pages of my Teen Influences paper. The day before I could have written half of it, but I didn’t because I had other things on my mind that kept distracting me from doing the in class essay. It may not seem as a huge deal, but a final draft has to be perfect. To fix the spelling issues I now look up how to properly spell a word I have a doubt on how to spell; and also double check spelling when I am rushed and on a time