Constraints are identified as follows:
The system shall be able to run on a hardware with limited resources.
The system shall be compatible with multiple platforms for the web client.
The system shall have a functioning interface with the database.
The system shall have access to working network connection.
The system shall have GUI to interface with the users.
The system shall follow Privacy Act of 1974.
The system shall follow the rules and regulations of Federal Communication Commission.
The system shall abide with the LAN, WLAN, and TCP/IP.
The Teacher’s Pet …show more content…
3.3.1 Assumptions
The successful implementation and use of the Teacher’s Pet have the following assumptions:
The hardwares used on-site and off-site are functioning properly.
The operating systems are up to date.
There is a working connection between the hardware to the LAN, WLAN, and/or to the TCP/IP.
Virus protections are implemented in the hardware.
The database backup, archiving, and disaster recovery processes exist.
The GUI acts as a communication between the system and the users.
The administrators, teachers, and counselors are capable of utilizing the system without difficulties.
3.3.2 Dependencies
The following are some dependencies that need to be considered for the system to function effectively:
The system is dependent on a design that uses multiple APIs.
GUI shall be designed for the system to communicate with the users.
The system depends on functioning database, operating systems, and hardware.
The system depends on working LAN, WLAN, and/or TCP/IP connections.
The success of the system is dependent on the users capability of operating the software.
4 Detailed Design
4.1 Screen Display Samples
4.2 Detailed Object …show more content…
Home Page – Login Input Data Elements
To get access to the system, the users input username and password. The inputs are of VarChar data type with 10 characters limit. They will be passed by value to the database.
4.5.3 Output Data Elements
Data Type
Output Method isSuccessful Message
0 = False
1 = True
Home Page
Table 2. Home Page – Login Output Data Elements
The output is of boolean type. During verification, when the inputs match and exist, the result of isSuccessful method will be 1, and the HomePage will be displayed. Otherwise, it will be 0, and the error message “Invalid Username And/Or Password” will be displayed.
4.5.4 Processing Characteristics Algorithms
ENTER username AND password
VERIFY username AND password IN User
IF username AND password MATCH AND EXIST
RETURN getHomePage ELSE DISPLAY Error Message “Invalid Username And/Or Password” Error Handling
Upon any error, transfer control to error handling page where the appropriate error message will be displayed. Errors that may occur include: Insufficient access rights Network communication error Database connection error Invalid/Incomplete Field Data Conversion